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Tuesday, November 12, 2013

SMS Pacesetter Dance Clinic this Weekend!


Join us this Saturday, November 16th for our SMS Pacesetter K-8 Youth Dance Clinic.  The Clinic begins at 9:00 AM in the SM South gymnasium and the performance for parents begins at 11:30.

We'll teach you fun dances, play games, have a snack and perform for your parents.  You will receive a cute t-shirt, a bow and an invitation to perform at half time of the SMS Girls Varsity Basketball Game, December 11th.  Wear your t-shirt and be admitted to the end of year Dance Team Extravanza at South!

You may order a DVD of the girls having fun at the clinic and also the basketball performance, at check in or after the clinic at noon.  This year, we will be selling costumes as well!

See details at the bottom of the menu on the right--You may download the registration form OR order online!

We hope to see you!
SMS Pacesetters

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